Two Weeks FDP on Emerging Research Trends in CS & IT during 08-19 June, 2020 - Detailed Brochure and Programme Schedule

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The objective of this FDP is to nurture the research aptitude and competency development of the young faculty members, either doing research or planning to undertake research work under the domain of Computer Science and IT, including M. Tech. Scholars. There will be technical sessions on following topics, by experts from Academia and Industry:-

Applications of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Logic to Decision Making, Artificial Intelligence & Big Data Analytics, Data Analytics using R, Data Protection Issues in Medical Imaging Techniques, Deep Learning Techniques and Applications, Docker and Kubernetes, Getting Ready for an AI Powered World, Industry 4.0, Information Security in 2020 and Emergence of Blockchain Technology, Internet of Things: Approach and Applicability in Manufacturing, Mentoring Teachers for Effective Virtual Teaching, NAAC Accreditation Process, Nature Inspired Optimization and its Application to Complex Engineering Problems, Next Generation Innovations and Research: Opportunities and Challenges, Predictive Computing Techniques and Applications, Role of Academia in Industry 4.0, SDN, The Art of Writing Quality Research Papers, Virtual Reality Application Development, The Challenges of Online/Digital Learning Globally.

For more details please visit the following link.

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Friday, 15 May, 2020 - 19:20