Invitation for Webinar on AI and Media dated 28-05-2022

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IEEE Delhi Section with Computer Society Chapter, Consultants Network Affinity Group, Life Member Affinity Group, Inter Society Relations, Industry Relations & SIGHT Standing Committees of IEEE Delhi with the associations CSI, Safa Society, ISTE Delhi Section, IETE Delhi Centre, invites you for a Webinar on 28-May-2022, the Saturday, at 06:00 p.m.

This webinar is aimed at uncovering the interplay of Artificial Intelligence in Mass Media industry, in particular, and everyday life, in general. Artificial Intelligence has found itself an important place in the present media industry. It offers huge promises to media companies integrated along with many challenges to overcome. This webinar shall uncover how Artificial Intelligence is transforming the media and entertainment business impacting everything from content creation to consumer experience.

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News Date: 
Tuesday, 19 April, 2022 - 21:50